The Importance Of Deck Maintenance
Regular deck maintenance is important. It does not matter whether your deck is made out of plastic, wood or composite. There are several things that you will have to do to take care of your deck. Below are some essential deck care tips:
Clean Your Deck On A Regular Basis
This is one of the basic deck maintenance tips. Regular deck care and cleaning will reduce the chances of mold and mildew building up on the deck. Your deck will need to be cleaned at least twice a year. However, it is important to note that climate conditions may necessitate more frequent cleaning. You may also need to clean your deck more often if it is made out of composite material.
You do not need any special equipment to clean your deck. You can use a blower or broom to get rid of the leaves and other debris that builds up on your deck. You can also use soap, water and other household cleaners. Soap and water is also great for removing mold.
Seal And Stain Your Deck If Needed
If you have a wood deck, then you will most likely need to seal and stain it twice a year. In order to determine whether your deck needs to be sealed and stained, you will need to apply a couple of drops of water to the wood. If the water beads up, then it does not need to be sealed and stained. However, if it does not bead up, then the deck will need to be sealed and stained. Perform this test once every six months. This is one of the deck care tips that many people overlook. However, an unprotected deck can very easily deteriorate, which is another reason deck care is important.
Cleaning your deck regularly and sealing and staining it regularly are two of the keys to deck maintenance. If you are in need of deck repair, then you should consider contacting Quaker State Construction. Quaker Construction is based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.